
Around this time of year, people often ask about intentions or resolutions, or even if I have a "word for the year." I usually resist creating stories around the new year, but this year I waited to see if something might make itself known to me. 

As I sat in stillness, listening to my deepest wisdom, the word "relax" quietly surfaced. It reminded me of a Liz Gilbert lecture I attended, where she asked: What is the most revolutionary thing a woman can be? Is it being a strong badass warrior? Is it being an overcomer, a survivor or a hero of her own story? Almost every woman I know is already all of those things. But then she suggested something radical: The most revolutionary act a woman can do is to be relaxed.

How many relaxed women do you know?

In today’s world, there’s a collective anxious energy. Whether we’re hopeful or fearful about the future,utterly astonished at the present current events, or revisiting the past to understand how to move forward, many of us are caught in a frenetic pace and fall victim to the Monkey Mind that runs us about.  To be relaxed in these times takes intention. And the sole goal for me isn't just about relaxation unto its own end, which would be fine if it were…. It’s about creating stillness so we can live our lives that we have right now, experience the gift that each breath is, and even become a channel for creative intelligence.

When I slow down, connect with my breath, and become still, I make space for divine guidance to enter. Some might call it hearing God, others might call it life force energy, but whatever resonates with you, it's about tapping into something greater than ourselves. By taking just a few moments each day to breathe and connect, we open ourselves to wisdom and clarity, thereby gaining access to know exactly what action to take in a given moment.

For centuries, people have turned to wise men and women, priests, psychics and shamans for guidance. We’re living in a time where more and more we are understanding that we can access that same wisdom directly. What is required is to get out of perpetual motion, even for a few moments. In this stillness, we tap into the breath, feel our bodies and begin to listen. This is when I remember I am. This is where I hear I AM. And this is where I can access the miracle that is this moment. The one that is happening right now.

May you be relaxed this year. When action is required, may you be equipped with the presence, self possession, and sovereignty to know the way forward.  From this deep knowing, may you impact your circle and bring more of what is needed for this world to be a loving home for everyone. 

Nothing but love,


Jayne Spear