So much to love

Like a stone thrown into the water, the process of healing and growth creates a ripple effect in our lives that expands us and stretches out to others. In order to deepen this journey, I have included rich resources to meet you wherever you find yourself today.


Yoga instructor and Creating Space owner Jacki Smith is taking the practice of yoga off the mat and into people’s homes to help them let go of that which no longer serves.  Everything is made up of energy and when our physical spaces are being taken up by old items, it can clutter our energy fields and pull us away from what we most want to be focused on in our lives. With Jacki’s signature flair, it is not only refreshing but fun as well to dive into projects that otherwise might feel more arduous. You will be amazed by even three hours with her!


I love this app so much.  I use “UP” breath practices  in the morning when I need more energy and focus for my day and I practice with “DOWN” recordings in the evening and before bed time.  On the weekends when I have more time I love to do a full journey that transports me into my inner space in a powerful way.  It feels more accessible to me than traditional meditation apps because it is set to music and keeps my mind focused for the duration of the practice. Try it for free first and see for yourself!


For years astrology felt to me, at best irrelevant, and at worst, like a massive scam, however, over the last 5-10 years I have found it profoundly accurate and helpful in looking at the landscape of my life from a higher perspective.  It’s a way of knowing what is at play in the larger scheme of reality. Chani Nicholas shares the astrology forecast in a helpful and educational way that makes it feel accessible to everyone, no matter what their understanding of the planets and their alignments. You can listen to her for free on Spotify or download the Chani app for a personalized reading.